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regs.h 21.3 KiB
Newer Older
 * CAAM hardware register-level view
 * Copyright 2008-2011 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

#ifndef REGS_H
#define REGS_H

#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/io.h>

 * Architecture-specific register access methods
 * CAAM's bus-addressable registers are 64 bits internally.
 * They have been wired to be safely accessible on 32-bit
 * architectures, however. Registers were organized such
 * that (a) they can be contained in 32 bits, (b) if not, then they
 * can be treated as two 32-bit entities, or finally (c) if they
 * must be treated as a single 64-bit value, then this can safely
 * be done with two 32-bit cycles.
 * For 32-bit operations on 64-bit values, CAAM follows the same
 * 64-bit register access conventions as it's predecessors, in that
 * writes are "triggered" by a write to the register at the numerically
 * higher address, thus, a full 64-bit write cycle requires a write
 * to the lower address, followed by a write to the higher address,
 * which will latch/execute the write cycle.
 * For example, let's assume a SW reset of CAAM through the master
 * configuration register.
 * - SWRST is in bit 31 of MCFG.
 * - MCFG begins at base+0x0000.
 * - Bits 63-32 are a 32-bit word at base+0x0000 (numerically-lower)
 * - Bits 31-0 are a 32-bit word at base+0x0004 (numerically-higher)
 * (and on Power, the convention is 0-31, 32-63, I know...)
 * Assuming a 64-bit write to this MCFG to perform a software reset
 * would then require a write of 0 to base+0x0000, followed by a
 * write of 0x80000000 to base+0x0004, which would "execute" the
 * reset.
 * Of course, since MCFG 63-32 is all zero, we could cheat and simply
 * write 0x8000000 to base+0x0004, and the reset would work fine.
 * However, since CAAM does contain some write-and-read-intended
 * 64-bit registers, this code defines 64-bit access methods for
 * the sake of internal consistency and simplicity, and so that a
 * clean transition to 64-bit is possible when it becomes necessary.
 * There are limitations to this that the developer must recognize.
 * 32-bit architectures cannot enforce an atomic-64 operation,
 * Therefore:
 * - On writes, since the HW is assumed to latch the cycle on the
 *   write of the higher-numeric-address word, then ordered
 *   writes work OK.
 * - For reads, where a register contains a relevant value of more
 *   that 32 bits, the hardware employs logic to latch the other
 *   "half" of the data until read, ensuring an accurate value.
 *   This is of particular relevance when dealing with CAAM's
 *   performance counters.

#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
#define wr_reg32(reg, data) out_be32(reg, data)
#define rd_reg32(reg) in_be32(reg)
#ifdef CONFIG_64BIT
#define wr_reg64(reg, data) out_be64(reg, data)
#define rd_reg64(reg) in_be64(reg)
#define wr_reg32(reg, data) __raw_writel(reg, data)
#define rd_reg32(reg) __raw_readl(reg)
#ifdef CONFIG_64BIT
#define wr_reg64(reg, data) __raw_writeq(reg, data)
#define rd_reg64(reg) __raw_readq(reg)

#ifndef CONFIG_64BIT
static inline void wr_reg64(u64 __iomem *reg, u64 data)
	wr_reg32((u32 __iomem *)reg, (data & 0xffffffff00000000ull) >> 32);
	wr_reg32((u32 __iomem *)reg + 1, data & 0x00000000ffffffffull);

static inline u64 rd_reg64(u64 __iomem *reg)
	return (((u64)rd_reg32((u32 __iomem *)reg)) << 32) |
		((u64)rd_reg32((u32 __iomem *)reg + 1));

 * jr_outentry
 * Represents each entry in a JobR output ring
struct jr_outentry {
	dma_addr_t desc;/* Pointer to completed descriptor */
	u32 jrstatus;	/* Status for completed descriptor */
} __packed;

 * caam_perfmon - Performance Monitor/Secure Memory Status/
 *                CAAM Global Status/Component Version IDs
 * Spans f00-fff wherever instantiated

/* Number of DECOs */

struct caam_perfmon {
	/* Performance Monitor Registers			f00-f9f */
	u64 req_dequeued;	/* PC_REQ_DEQ - Dequeued Requests	     */
	u64 ob_enc_req;	/* PC_OB_ENC_REQ - Outbound Encrypt Requests */
	u64 ib_dec_req;	/* PC_IB_DEC_REQ - Inbound Decrypt Requests  */
	u64 ob_enc_bytes;	/* PC_OB_ENCRYPT - Outbound Bytes Encrypted  */
	u64 ob_prot_bytes;	/* PC_OB_PROTECT - Outbound Bytes Protected  */
	u64 ib_dec_bytes;	/* PC_IB_DECRYPT - Inbound Bytes Decrypted   */
	u64 ib_valid_bytes;	/* PC_IB_VALIDATED Inbound Bytes Validated   */
	u64 rsvd[13];

	/* CAAM Hardware Instantiation Parameters		fa0-fbf */
	u64 cha_rev;		/* CRNR - CHA Revision Number		*/
#define CTPR_QI_SHIFT		57
#define CTPR_QI_MASK		(0x1ull << CTPR_QI_SHIFT)
135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662
	u64 comp_parms;	/* CTPR - Compile Parameters Register	*/
	u64 rsvd1[2];

	/* CAAM Global Status					fc0-fdf */
	u64 faultaddr;	/* FAR  - Fault Address		*/
	u32 faultliodn;	/* FALR - Fault Address LIODN	*/
	u32 faultdetail;	/* FADR - Fault Addr Detail	*/
	u32 rsvd2;
	u32 status;		/* CSTA - CAAM Status */
	u64 rsvd3;

	/* Component Instantiation Parameters			fe0-fff */
	u32 rtic_id;		/* RVID - RTIC Version ID	*/
	u32 ccb_id;		/* CCBVID - CCB Version ID	*/
	u64 cha_id;		/* CHAVID - CHA Version ID	*/
	u64 cha_num;		/* CHANUM - CHA Number		*/
	u64 caam_id;		/* CAAMVID - CAAM Version ID	*/

/* LIODN programming for DMA configuration */
#define MSTRID_LOCK_LIODN	0x80000000
#define MSTRID_LOCK_MAKETRUSTED	0x00010000	/* only for JR masterid */

#define MSTRID_LIODN_MASK	0x0fff
struct masterid {
	u32 liodn_ms;	/* lock and make-trusted control bits */
	u32 liodn_ls;	/* LIODN for non-sequence and seq access */

/* Partition ID for DMA configuration */
struct partid {
	u32 rsvd1;
	u32 pidr;	/* partition ID, DECO */

/* RNG test mode (replicated twice in some configurations) */
/* Padded out to 0x100 */
struct rngtst {
	u32 mode;		/* RTSTMODEx - Test mode */
	u32 rsvd1[3];
	u32 reset;		/* RTSTRESETx - Test reset control */
	u32 rsvd2[3];
	u32 status;		/* RTSTSSTATUSx - Test status */
	u32 rsvd3;
	u32 errstat;		/* RTSTERRSTATx - Test error status */
	u32 rsvd4;
	u32 errctl;		/* RTSTERRCTLx - Test error control */
	u32 rsvd5;
	u32 entropy;		/* RTSTENTROPYx - Test entropy */
	u32 rsvd6[15];
	u32 verifctl;	/* RTSTVERIFCTLx - Test verification control */
	u32 rsvd7;
	u32 verifstat;	/* RTSTVERIFSTATx - Test verification status */
	u32 rsvd8;
	u32 verifdata;	/* RTSTVERIFDx - Test verification data */
	u32 rsvd9;
	u32 xkey;		/* RTSTXKEYx - Test XKEY */
	u32 rsvd10;
	u32 oscctctl;	/* RTSTOSCCTCTLx - Test osc. counter control */
	u32 rsvd11;
	u32 oscct;		/* RTSTOSCCTx - Test oscillator counter */
	u32 rsvd12;
	u32 oscctstat;	/* RTSTODCCTSTATx - Test osc counter status */
	u32 rsvd13[2];
	u32 ofifo[4];	/* RTSTOFIFOx - Test output FIFO */
	u32 rsvd14[15];

 * caam_ctrl - basic core configuration
 * starts base + 0x0000 padded out to 0x1000

#define KEK_KEY_SIZE		8
#define TKEK_KEY_SIZE		8
#define TDSK_KEY_SIZE		8

#define DECO_RESET	1	/* Use with DECO reset/availability regs */
#define DECO_RESET_0	(DECO_RESET << 0)
#define DECO_RESET_1	(DECO_RESET << 1)
#define DECO_RESET_2	(DECO_RESET << 2)
#define DECO_RESET_3	(DECO_RESET << 3)
#define DECO_RESET_4	(DECO_RESET << 4)

struct caam_ctrl {
	/* Basic Configuration Section				000-01f */
	/* Read/Writable					        */
	u32 rsvd1;
	u32 mcr;		/* MCFG      Master Config Register  */
	u32 rsvd2[2];

	/* Bus Access Configuration Section			010-11f */
	/* Read/Writable                                                */
	struct masterid jr_mid[4];	/* JRxLIODNR - JobR LIODN setup */
	u32 rsvd3[12];
	struct masterid rtic_mid[4];	/* RTICxLIODNR - RTIC LIODN setup */
	u32 rsvd4[7];
	u32 deco_rq;			/* DECORR - DECO Request */
	struct partid deco_mid[5];	/* DECOxLIODNR - 1 per DECO */
	u32 rsvd5[22];

	/* DECO Availability/Reset Section			120-3ff */
	u32 deco_avail;		/* DAR - DECO availability */
	u32 deco_reset;		/* DRR - DECO reset */
	u32 rsvd6[182];

	/* Key Encryption/Decryption Configuration              400-5ff */
	/* Read/Writable only while in Non-secure mode                  */
	u32 kek[KEK_KEY_SIZE];	/* JDKEKR - Key Encryption Key */
	u32 tkek[TKEK_KEY_SIZE];	/* TDKEKR - Trusted Desc KEK */
	u32 tdsk[TDSK_KEY_SIZE];	/* TDSKR - Trusted Desc Signing Key */
	u32 rsvd7[32];
	u64 sknonce;			/* SKNR - Secure Key Nonce */
	u32 rsvd8[70];

	/* RNG Test/Verification/Debug Access                   600-7ff */
	/* (Useful in Test/Debug modes only...)                         */
	struct rngtst rtst[2];

	u32 rsvd9[448];

	/* Performance Monitor                                  f00-fff */
	struct caam_perfmon perfmon;

 * Controller master config register defs
#define MCFGR_SWRESET		0x80000000 /* software reset */
#define MCFGR_WDENABLE		0x40000000 /* DECO watchdog enable */
#define MCFGR_WDFAIL		0x20000000 /* DECO watchdog force-fail */
#define MCFGR_DMA_RESET		0x10000000
#define MCFGR_LONG_PTR		0x00010000 /* Use >32-bit desc addressing */

/* AXI read cache control */

/* AXI write cache control */

/* AXI pipeline depth */

#define MCFGR_AXIPRI		0x00000008 /* Assert AXI priority sideband */
#define MCFGR_BURST_64		0x00000001 /* Max burst size */

 * caam_job_ring - direct job ring setup
 * 1-4 possible per instantiation, base + 1000/2000/3000/4000
 * Padded out to 0x1000
struct caam_job_ring {
	/* Input ring */
	u64 inpring_base;	/* IRBAx -  Input desc ring baseaddr */
	u32 rsvd1;
	u32 inpring_size;	/* IRSx - Input ring size */
	u32 rsvd2;
	u32 inpring_avail;	/* IRSAx - Input ring room remaining */
	u32 rsvd3;
	u32 inpring_jobadd;	/* IRJAx - Input ring jobs added */

	/* Output Ring */
	u64 outring_base;	/* ORBAx - Output status ring base addr */
	u32 rsvd4;
	u32 outring_size;	/* ORSx - Output ring size */
	u32 rsvd5;
	u32 outring_rmvd;	/* ORJRx - Output ring jobs removed */
	u32 rsvd6;
	u32 outring_used;	/* ORSFx - Output ring slots full */

	/* Status/Configuration */
	u32 rsvd7;
	u32 jroutstatus;	/* JRSTAx - JobR output status */
	u32 rsvd8;
	u32 jrintstatus;	/* JRINTx - JobR interrupt status */
	u32 rconfig_hi;	/* JRxCFG - Ring configuration */
	u32 rconfig_lo;

	/* Indices. CAAM maintains as "heads" of each queue */
	u32 rsvd9;
	u32 inp_rdidx;	/* IRRIx - Input ring read index */
	u32 rsvd10;
	u32 out_wtidx;	/* ORWIx - Output ring write index */

	/* Command/control */
	u32 rsvd11;
	u32 jrcommand;	/* JRCRx - JobR command */

	u32 rsvd12[932];

	/* Performance Monitor                                  f00-fff */
	struct caam_perfmon perfmon;

#define JR_RINGSIZE_MASK	0x03ff
 * jrstatus - Job Ring Output Status
 * All values in lo word
 * Also note, same values written out as status through QI
 * in the command/status field of a frame descriptor
#define JRSTA_SSRC_SHIFT            28
#define JRSTA_SSRC_MASK             0xf0000000

#define JRSTA_SSRC_NONE             0x00000000
#define JRSTA_SSRC_CCB_ERROR        0x20000000
#define JRSTA_SSRC_JUMP_HALT_USER   0x30000000
#define JRSTA_SSRC_DECO             0x40000000
#define JRSTA_SSRC_JRERROR          0x60000000
#define JRSTA_SSRC_JUMP_HALT_CC     0x70000000

#define JRSTA_DECOERR_JUMP          0x08000000
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_INDEX_MASK    0xff00
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_ERROR_MASK    0x00ff

#define JRSTA_DECOERR_NONE          0x00
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_LINKLEN       0x01
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_LINKPTR       0x02
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_JRCTRL        0x03
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_DESCCMD       0x04
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_ORDER         0x05
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_KEYCMD        0x06
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_LOADCMD       0x07
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_STORECMD      0x08
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_OPCMD         0x09
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_MOVECMD       0x0c
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_JUMPCMD       0x0d
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_MATHCMD       0x0e
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_SHASHCMD      0x0f
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_SEQCMD        0x10
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_HDRLEN        0x13
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_BURSTER       0x14
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_DMA           0x16
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_JRRESET       0x1a
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_JOBFAIL       0x1b
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_DNRERR        0x80
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_UNDEFPCL      0x81
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_PDBERR        0x82
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_SEQOVF        0x85
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_INVSIGN       0x86
#define JRSTA_DECOERR_DSASIGN       0x87

#define JRSTA_CCBERR_JUMP           0x08000000
#define JRSTA_CCBERR_INDEX_MASK     0xff00
#define JRSTA_CCBERR_CHAID_MASK     0x00f0
#define JRSTA_CCBERR_ERRID_MASK     0x000f


#define JRSTA_CCBERR_ERRID_NONE     0x00
#define JRSTA_CCBERR_ERRID_MODE     0x01

#define JRINT_ERR_INDEX_MASK        0x3fff0000
#define JRINT_ERR_INDEX_SHIFT       16
#define JRINT_ERR_TYPE_MASK         0xf00
#define JRINT_ERR_TYPE_SHIFT        8
#define JRINT_ERR_HALT_MASK         0xc
#define JRINT_ERR_HALT_SHIFT        2
#define JRINT_JR_ERROR              0x02
#define JRINT_JR_INT                0x01

#define JRINT_ERR_TYPE_WRITE        1
#define JRINT_ERR_TYPE_RESET        7
#define JRINT_ERR_TYPE_ADD_OFL      9

#define JRCFG_SOE		0x04
#define JRCFG_ICEN		0x02
#define JRCFG_IMSK		0x01

#define JRCR_RESET                  0x01

 * caam_assurance - Assurance Controller View
 * base + 0x6000 padded out to 0x1000

struct rtic_element {
	u64 address;
	u32 rsvd;
	u32 length;

struct rtic_block {
	struct rtic_element element[2];

struct rtic_memhash {
	u32 memhash_be[32];
	u32 memhash_le[32];

struct caam_assurance {
    /* Status/Command/Watchdog */
	u32 rsvd1;
	u32 status;		/* RSTA - Status */
	u32 rsvd2;
	u32 cmd;		/* RCMD - Command */
	u32 rsvd3;
	u32 ctrl;		/* RCTL - Control */
	u32 rsvd4;
	u32 throttle;	/* RTHR - Throttle */
	u32 rsvd5[2];
	u64 watchdog;	/* RWDOG - Watchdog Timer */
	u32 rsvd6;
	u32 rend;		/* REND - Endian corrections */
	u32 rsvd7[50];

	/* Block access/configuration @ 100/110/120/130 */
	struct rtic_block memblk[4];	/* Memory Blocks A-D */
	u32 rsvd8[32];

	/* Block hashes @ 200/300/400/500 */
	struct rtic_memhash hash[4];	/* Block hash values A-D */
	u32 rsvd_3[640];

 * caam_queue_if - QI configuration and control
 * starts base + 0x7000, padded out to 0x1000 long

struct caam_queue_if {
	u32 qi_control_hi;	/* QICTL  - QI Control */
	u32 qi_control_lo;
	u32 rsvd1;
	u32 qi_status;	/* QISTA  - QI Status */
	u32 qi_deq_cfg_hi;	/* QIDQC  - QI Dequeue Configuration */
	u32 qi_deq_cfg_lo;
	u32 qi_enq_cfg_hi;	/* QISEQC - QI Enqueue Command     */
	u32 qi_enq_cfg_lo;
	u32 rsvd2[1016];

/* QI control bits - low word */
#define QICTL_DQEN      0x01              /* Enable frame pop          */
#define QICTL_STOP      0x02              /* Stop dequeue/enqueue      */
#define QICTL_SOE       0x04              /* Stop on error             */

/* QI control bits - high word */
#define QICTL_MBSI	0x01
#define QICTL_MHWSI	0x02
#define QICTL_MWSI	0x04
#define QICTL_MDWSI	0x08
#define QICTL_CBSI	0x10		/* CtrlDataByteSwapInput     */
#define QICTL_CHWSI	0x20		/* CtrlDataHalfSwapInput     */
#define QICTL_CWSI	0x40		/* CtrlDataWordSwapInput     */
#define QICTL_CDWSI	0x80		/* CtrlDataDWordSwapInput    */
#define QICTL_MBSO	0x0100
#define QICTL_MHWSO	0x0200
#define QICTL_MWSO	0x0400
#define QICTL_MDWSO	0x0800
#define QICTL_CBSO	0x1000		/* CtrlDataByteSwapOutput    */
#define QICTL_CHWSO	0x2000		/* CtrlDataHalfSwapOutput    */
#define QICTL_CWSO	0x4000		/* CtrlDataWordSwapOutput    */
#define QICTL_CDWSO     0x8000		/* CtrlDataDWordSwapOutput   */
#define QICTL_DMBS	0x010000
#define QICTL_EPO	0x020000

/* QI status bits */
#define QISTA_PHRDERR   0x01              /* PreHeader Read Error      */
#define QISTA_CFRDERR   0x02              /* Compound Frame Read Error */
#define QISTA_OFWRERR   0x04              /* Output Frame Read Error   */
#define QISTA_BPDERR    0x08              /* Buffer Pool Depleted      */
#define QISTA_BTSERR    0x10              /* Buffer Undersize          */
#define QISTA_CFWRERR   0x20              /* Compound Frame Write Err  */
#define QISTA_STOPD     0x80000000        /* QI Stopped (see QICTL)    */

/* deco_sg_table - DECO view of scatter/gather table */
struct deco_sg_table {
	u64 addr;		/* Segment Address */
	u32 elen;		/* E, F bits + 30-bit length */
	u32 bpid_offset;	/* Buffer Pool ID + 16-bit length */

 * caam_deco - descriptor controller - CHA cluster block
 * Only accessible when direct DECO access is turned on
 * (done in DECORR, via MID programmed in DECOxMID
 * 5 typical, base + 0x8000/9000/a000/b000
 * Padded out to 0x1000 long
struct caam_deco {
	u32 rsvd1;
	u32 cls1_mode;	/* CxC1MR -  Class 1 Mode */
	u32 rsvd2;
	u32 cls1_keysize;	/* CxC1KSR - Class 1 Key Size */
	u32 cls1_datasize_hi;	/* CxC1DSR - Class 1 Data Size */
	u32 cls1_datasize_lo;
	u32 rsvd3;
	u32 cls1_icvsize;	/* CxC1ICVSR - Class 1 ICV size */
	u32 rsvd4[5];
	u32 cha_ctrl;	/* CCTLR - CHA control */
	u32 rsvd5;
	u32 irq_crtl;	/* CxCIRQ - CCB interrupt done/error/clear */
	u32 rsvd6;
	u32 clr_written;	/* CxCWR - Clear-Written */
	u32 ccb_status_hi;	/* CxCSTA - CCB Status/Error */
	u32 ccb_status_lo;
	u32 rsvd7[3];
	u32 aad_size;	/* CxAADSZR - Current AAD Size */
	u32 rsvd8;
	u32 cls1_iv_size;	/* CxC1IVSZR - Current Class 1 IV Size */
	u32 rsvd9[7];
	u32 pkha_a_size;	/* PKASZRx - Size of PKHA A */
	u32 rsvd10;
	u32 pkha_b_size;	/* PKBSZRx - Size of PKHA B */
	u32 rsvd11;
	u32 pkha_n_size;	/* PKNSZRx - Size of PKHA N */
	u32 rsvd12;
	u32 pkha_e_size;	/* PKESZRx - Size of PKHA E */
	u32 rsvd13[24];
	u32 cls1_ctx[16];	/* CxC1CTXR - Class 1 Context @100 */
	u32 rsvd14[48];
	u32 cls1_key[8];	/* CxC1KEYR - Class 1 Key @200 */
	u32 rsvd15[121];
	u32 cls2_mode;	/* CxC2MR - Class 2 Mode */
	u32 rsvd16;
	u32 cls2_keysize;	/* CxX2KSR - Class 2 Key Size */
	u32 cls2_datasize_hi;	/* CxC2DSR - Class 2 Data Size */
	u32 cls2_datasize_lo;
	u32 rsvd17;
	u32 cls2_icvsize;	/* CxC2ICVSZR - Class 2 ICV Size */
	u32 rsvd18[56];
	u32 cls2_ctx[18];	/* CxC2CTXR - Class 2 Context @500 */
	u32 rsvd19[46];
	u32 cls2_key[32];	/* CxC2KEYR - Class2 Key @600 */
	u32 rsvd20[84];
	u32 inp_infofifo_hi;	/* CxIFIFO - Input Info FIFO @7d0 */
	u32 inp_infofifo_lo;
	u32 rsvd21[2];
	u64 inp_datafifo;	/* CxDFIFO - Input Data FIFO */
	u32 rsvd22[2];
	u64 out_datafifo;	/* CxOFIFO - Output Data FIFO */
	u32 rsvd23[2];
	u32 jr_ctl_hi;	/* CxJRR - JobR Control Register      @800 */
	u32 jr_ctl_lo;
	u64 jr_descaddr;	/* CxDADR - JobR Descriptor Address */
	u32 op_status_hi;	/* DxOPSTA - DECO Operation Status */
	u32 op_status_lo;
	u32 rsvd24[2];
	u32 liodn;		/* DxLSR - DECO LIODN Status - non-seq */
	u32 td_liodn;	/* DxLSR - DECO LIODN Status - trustdesc */
	u32 rsvd26[6];
	u64 math[4];		/* DxMTH - Math register */
	u32 rsvd27[8];
	struct deco_sg_table gthr_tbl[4];	/* DxGTR - Gather Tables */
	u32 rsvd28[16];
	struct deco_sg_table sctr_tbl[4];	/* DxSTR - Scatter Tables */
	u32 rsvd29[48];
	u32 descbuf[64];	/* DxDESB - Descriptor buffer */
	u32 rsvd30[320];

 * Current top-level view of memory map is:
 * 0x0000 - 0x0fff - CAAM Top-Level Control
 * 0x1000 - 0x1fff - Job Ring 0
 * 0x2000 - 0x2fff - Job Ring 1
 * 0x3000 - 0x3fff - Job Ring 2
 * 0x4000 - 0x4fff - Job Ring 3
 * 0x5000 - 0x5fff - (unused)
 * 0x6000 - 0x6fff - Assurance Controller
 * 0x7000 - 0x7fff - Queue Interface
 * 0x8000 - 0x8fff - DECO-CCB 0
 * 0x9000 - 0x9fff - DECO-CCB 1
 * 0xa000 - 0xafff - DECO-CCB 2
 * 0xb000 - 0xbfff - DECO-CCB 3
 * 0xc000 - 0xcfff - DECO-CCB 4
 * caam_full describes the full register view of CAAM if useful,
 * although many configurations may choose to implement parts of
 * the register map separately, in differing privilege regions
struct caam_full {
	struct caam_ctrl __iomem ctrl;
	struct caam_job_ring jr[4];
	u64 rsvd[512];
	struct caam_assurance assure;
	struct caam_queue_if qi;

#endif /* REGS_H */