 * at91sam9x5.dtsi - Device Tree Include file for AT91SAM9x5 family SoC
 *                   applies to AT91SAM9G15, AT91SAM9G25, AT91SAM9G35,
 *                   AT91SAM9X25, AT91SAM9X35 SoC
 *  Copyright (C) 2012 Atmel,
 *                2012 Nicolas Ferre <nicolas.ferre@atmel.com>
 * Licensed under GPLv2 or later.

/include/ "skeleton.dtsi"

/ {
	model = "Atmel AT91SAM9x5 family SoC";
	compatible = "atmel,at91sam9x5";
	interrupt-parent = <&aic>;

	aliases {
		serial0 = &dbgu;
		serial1 = &usart0;
		serial2 = &usart1;
		serial3 = &usart2;
		gpio0 = &pioA;
		gpio1 = &pioB;
		gpio2 = &pioC;
		gpio3 = &pioD;
		tcb0 = &tcb0;
		tcb1 = &tcb1;
		i2c0 = &i2c0;
		i2c1 = &i2c1;
		i2c2 = &i2c2;
	cpus {
		cpu@0 {
			compatible = "arm,arm926ejs";

	memory {
		reg = <0x20000000 0x10000000>;

	ahb {
		compatible = "simple-bus";
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <1>;

		apb {
			compatible = "simple-bus";
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <1>;

			aic: interrupt-controller@fffff000 {
				#interrupt-cells = <3>;
				compatible = "atmel,at91rm9200-aic";
				reg = <0xfffff000 0x200>;
				atmel,external-irqs = <31>;

			ramc0: ramc@ffffe800 {
				compatible = "atmel,at91sam9g45-ddramc";
				reg = <0xffffe800 0x200>;

			pmc: pmc@fffffc00 {
				compatible = "atmel,at91rm9200-pmc";
				reg = <0xfffffc00 0x100>;

			rstc@fffffe00 {
				compatible = "atmel,at91sam9g45-rstc";
				reg = <0xfffffe00 0x10>;

			shdwc@fffffe10 {
				compatible = "atmel,at91sam9x5-shdwc";
				reg = <0xfffffe10 0x10>;

			pit: timer@fffffe30 {
				compatible = "atmel,at91sam9260-pit";
				reg = <0xfffffe30 0xf>;
				interrupts = <1 4 7>;

			tcb0: timer@f8008000 {
				compatible = "atmel,at91sam9x5-tcb";
				reg = <0xf8008000 0x100>;
				interrupts = <17 4 0>;

			tcb1: timer@f800c000 {
				compatible = "atmel,at91sam9x5-tcb";
				reg = <0xf800c000 0x100>;
				interrupts = <17 4 0>;

			dma0: dma-controller@ffffec00 {
				compatible = "atmel,at91sam9g45-dma";
				reg = <0xffffec00 0x200>;
				interrupts = <20 4 0>;

			dma1: dma-controller@ffffee00 {
				compatible = "atmel,at91sam9g45-dma";
				reg = <0xffffee00 0x200>;
				interrupts = <21 4 0>;

			pinctrl@fffff400 {
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <1>;
				compatible = "atmel,at91sam9x5-pinctrl", "atmel,at91rm9200-pinctrl", "simple-bus";
				ranges = <0xfffff400 0xfffff400 0x800>;

				/* shared pinctrl settings */
				dbgu {
					pinctrl_dbgu: dbgu-0 {
						atmel,pins =
							<0 9 0x1 0x0	/* PA9 periph A */
							 0 10 0x1 0x1>;	/* PA10 periph A with pullup */

				usart0 {
					pinctrl_usart0: usart0-0 {
						atmel,pins =
							<0 0 0x1 0x1	/* PA0 periph A with pullup */
							 0 1 0x1 0x0>;	/* PA1 periph A */

					pinctrl_usart0_rts: usart0_rts-0 {
						atmel,pins =
							<0 2 0x1 0x0>;	/* PA2 periph A */

					pinctrl_usart0_cts: usart0_cts-0 {
						atmel,pins =
							<0 3 0x1 0x0>;	/* PA3 periph A */

				usart1 {
					pinctrl_usart1: usart1-0 {
						atmel,pins =
							<0 5 0x1 0x1	/* PA5 periph A with pullup */
							 0 6 0x1 0x0>;	/* PA6 periph A */

					pinctrl_usart1_rts: usart1_rts-0 {
						atmel,pins =
							<3 27 0x3 0x0>;	/* PC27 periph C */

					pinctrl_usart1_cts: usart1_cts-0 {
						atmel,pins =
							<3 28 0x3 0x0>;	/* PC28 periph C */

				usart2 {
					pinctrl_usart2: usart2-0 {
						atmel,pins =
							<0 7 0x1 0x1	/* PA7 periph A with pullup */
							 0 8 0x1 0x0>;	/* PA8 periph A */

					pinctrl_uart2_rts: uart2_rts-0 {
						atmel,pins =
							<0 0 0x2 0x0>;	/* PB0 periph B */

					pinctrl_uart2_cts: uart2_cts-0 {
						atmel,pins =
							<0 1 0x2 0x0>;	/* PB1 periph B */

				usart3 {
					pinctrl_uart3: usart3-0 {
						atmel,pins =
							<3 23 0x2 0x1	/* PC22 periph B with pullup */
							 3 23 0x2 0x0>;	/* PC23 periph B */

					pinctrl_usart3_rts: usart3_rts-0 {
						atmel,pins =
							<3 24 0x2 0x0>;	/* PC24 periph B */

					pinctrl_usart3_cts: usart3_cts-0 {
						atmel,pins =
							<3 25 0x2 0x0>;	/* PC25 periph B */

				uart0 {
					pinctrl_uart0: uart0-0 {
						atmel,pins =
							<3 8 0x3 0x0	/* PC8 periph C */
							 3 9 0x3 0x1>;	/* PC9 periph C with pullup */

				uart1 {
					pinctrl_uart1: uart1-0 {
						atmel,pins =
							<3 16 0x3 0x0	/* PC16 periph C */
							 3 17 0x3 0x1>;	/* PC17 periph C with pullup */

				nand {
					pinctrl_nand: nand-0 {
						atmel,pins =
							<3 4 0x0 0x1	/* PD5 gpio RDY pin pull_up */
							 3 5 0x0 0x1>;	/* PD4 gpio enable pin pull_up */

				macb0 {
					pinctrl_macb0_rmii: macb0_rmii-0 {
						atmel,pins =
							<1 0 0x1 0x0	/* PB0 periph A */
							 1 1 0x1 0x0	/* PB1 periph A */
							 1 2 0x1 0x0	/* PB2 periph A */
							 1 3 0x1 0x0	/* PB3 periph A */
							 1 4 0x1 0x0	/* PB4 periph A */
							 1 5 0x1 0x0	/* PB5 periph A */
							 1 6 0x1 0x0	/* PB6 periph A */
							 1 7 0x1 0x0	/* PB7 periph A */
							 1 9 0x1 0x0	/* PB9 periph A */
							 1 10 0x1 0x0>;	/* PB10 periph A */

					pinctrl_macb0_rmii_mii: macb0_rmii_mii-0 {
						atmel,pins =
							<1 8 0x1 0x0	/* PA8 periph A */
							 1 11 0x1 0x0	/* PA11 periph A */
							 1 12 0x1 0x0	/* PA12 periph A */
							 1 13 0x1 0x0	/* PA13 periph A */
							 1 14 0x1 0x0	/* PA14 periph A */
							 1 15 0x1 0x0	/* PA15 periph A */
							 1 16 0x1 0x0	/* PA16 periph A */
							 1 17 0x1 0x0>;	/* PA17 periph A */

				pioA: gpio@fffff400 {
					compatible = "atmel,at91sam9x5-gpio", "atmel,at91rm9200-gpio";
					reg = <0xfffff400 0x200>;
					interrupts = <2 4 1>;
					#gpio-cells = <2>;
					#interrupt-cells = <2>;

				pioB: gpio@fffff600 {
					compatible = "atmel,at91sam9x5-gpio", "atmel,at91rm9200-gpio";
					reg = <0xfffff600 0x200>;
					interrupts = <2 4 1>;
					#gpio-cells = <2>;
					#gpio-lines = <19>;
					#interrupt-cells = <2>;

				pioC: gpio@fffff800 {
					compatible = "atmel,at91sam9x5-gpio", "atmel,at91rm9200-gpio";
					reg = <0xfffff800 0x200>;
					interrupts = <3 4 1>;
					#gpio-cells = <2>;
					#interrupt-cells = <2>;

				pioD: gpio@fffffa00 {
					compatible = "atmel,at91sam9x5-gpio", "atmel,at91rm9200-gpio";
					reg = <0xfffffa00 0x200>;
					interrupts = <3 4 1>;
					#gpio-cells = <2>;
					#gpio-lines = <22>;
					#interrupt-cells = <2>;

			dbgu: serial@fffff200 {
				compatible = "atmel,at91sam9260-usart";
				reg = <0xfffff200 0x200>;
				interrupts = <1 4 7>;
				pinctrl-names = "default";
				pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_dbgu>;
				status = "disabled";

			usart0: serial@f801c000 {
				compatible = "atmel,at91sam9260-usart";
				reg = <0xf801c000 0x200>;
				interrupts = <5 4 5>;
				pinctrl-names = "default";
				pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_usart0>;
				status = "disabled";

			usart1: serial@f8020000 {
				compatible = "atmel,at91sam9260-usart";
				reg = <0xf8020000 0x200>;
				interrupts = <6 4 5>;
				pinctrl-names = "default";
				pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_usart1>;
				status = "disabled";

			usart2: serial@f8024000 {
				compatible = "atmel,at91sam9260-usart";
				reg = <0xf8024000 0x200>;
				interrupts = <7 4 5>;
				pinctrl-names = "default";
				pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_usart2>;
				status = "disabled";

			macb0: ethernet@f802c000 {
				compatible = "cdns,at32ap7000-macb", "cdns,macb";
				reg = <0xf802c000 0x100>;
				interrupts = <24 4 3>;
				pinctrl-names = "default";
				pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_macb0_rmii>;
				status = "disabled";

			macb1: ethernet@f8030000 {
				compatible = "cdns,at32ap7000-macb", "cdns,macb";
				reg = <0xf8030000 0x100>;
				interrupts = <27 4 3>;
				status = "disabled";

			i2c0: i2c@f8010000 {
				compatible = "atmel,at91sam9x5-i2c";
				reg = <0xf8010000 0x100>;
				interrupts = <9 4 6>;
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;
				status = "disabled";

			i2c1: i2c@f8014000 {
				compatible = "atmel,at91sam9x5-i2c";
				reg = <0xf8014000 0x100>;
				interrupts = <10 4 6>;
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;
				status = "disabled";

			i2c2: i2c@f8018000 {
				compatible = "atmel,at91sam9x5-i2c";
				reg = <0xf8018000 0x100>;
				interrupts = <11 4 6>;
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;
				status = "disabled";

			adc0: adc@f804c000 {
				compatible = "atmel,at91sam9260-adc";
				reg = <0xf804c000 0x100>;
				interrupts = <19 4 0>;
				atmel,adc-channels-used = <0xffff>;
				atmel,adc-vref = <3300>;
				atmel,adc-num-channels = <12>;
				atmel,adc-startup-time = <40>;
				atmel,adc-channel-base = <0x50>;
				atmel,adc-drdy-mask = <0x1000000>;
				atmel,adc-status-register = <0x30>;
				atmel,adc-trigger-register = <0xc0>;

				trigger@0 {
					trigger-name = "external-rising";
					trigger-value = <0x1>;

				trigger@1 {
					trigger-name = "external-falling";
					trigger-value = <0x2>;

				trigger@2 {
					trigger-name = "external-any";
					trigger-value = <0x3>;

				trigger@3 {
					trigger-name = "continuous";
					trigger-value = <0x6>;

		nand0: nand@40000000 {
			compatible = "atmel,at91rm9200-nand";
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <1>;
			reg = <0x40000000 0x10000000
			atmel,nand-addr-offset = <21>;
			atmel,nand-cmd-offset = <22>;
			pinctrl-names = "default";
			pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_nand>;
			gpios = <&pioD 5 0
				 &pioD 4 0
			status = "disabled";

		usb0: ohci@00600000 {
			compatible = "atmel,at91rm9200-ohci", "usb-ohci";
			reg = <0x00600000 0x100000>;
			interrupts = <22 4 2>;
			status = "disabled";

		usb1: ehci@00700000 {
			compatible = "atmel,at91sam9g45-ehci", "usb-ehci";
			reg = <0x00700000 0x100000>;
			interrupts = <22 4 2>;
			status = "disabled";

	i2c@0 {
		compatible = "i2c-gpio";
		gpios = <&pioA 30 0 /* sda */
			 &pioA 31 0 /* scl */
		i2c-gpio,delay-us = <2>;	/* ~100 kHz */
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <0>;
		status = "disabled";

	i2c@1 {
		compatible = "i2c-gpio";
		gpios = <&pioC 0 0 /* sda */
			 &pioC 1 0 /* scl */
		i2c-gpio,delay-us = <2>;	/* ~100 kHz */
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <0>;
		status = "disabled";

	i2c@2 {
		compatible = "i2c-gpio";
		gpios = <&pioB 4 0 /* sda */
			 &pioB 5 0 /* scl */
		i2c-gpio,delay-us = <2>;	/* ~100 kHz */
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <0>;
		status = "disabled";