config DRM_I915_USERFAULT_AUTOSUSPEND int "Runtime autosuspend delay for userspace GGTT mmaps (ms)" default 250 # milliseconds help On runtime suspend, as we suspend the device, we have to revoke userspace GGTT mmaps and force userspace to take a pagefault on their next access. The revocation and subsequent recreation of the GGTT mmap can be very slow and so we impose a small hysteris that complements the runtime-pm autosuspend and provides a lower floor on the autosuspend delay. May be 0 to disable the extra delay and solely use the device level runtime pm autosuspend delay tunable. config DRM_I915_SPIN_REQUEST int "Busywait for request completion (us)" default 5 # microseconds help Before sleeping waiting for a request (GPU operation) to complete, we may spend some time polling for its completion. As the IRQ may take a non-negligible time to setup, we do a short spin first to check if the request will complete in the time it would have taken us to enable the interrupt. May be 0 to disable the initial spin. In practice, we estimate the cost of enabling the interrupt (if currently disabled) to be a few microseconds. config DRM_I915_STOP_TIMEOUT int "How long to wait for an engine to quiesce gracefully before reset (ms)" default 100 # milliseconds help By stopping submission and sleeping for a short time before resetting the GPU, we allow the innocent contexts also on the system to quiesce. It is then less likely for a hanging context to cause collateral damage as the system is reset in order to recover. The corollary is that the reset itself may take longer and so be more disruptive to interactive or low latency workloads.