What: /sys/class/leds/<led>/pattern Date: September 2018 KernelVersion: 4.20 Description: Specify a software pattern for the LED, that supports altering the brightness for the specified duration with one software timer. It can do gradual dimming and step change of brightness. The pattern is given by a series of tuples, of brightness and duration (ms). The LED is expected to traverse the series and each brightness value for the specified duration. Duration of 0 means brightness should immediately change to new value, and writing malformed pattern deactivates any active one. 1. For gradual dimming, the dimming interval now is set as 50 milliseconds. So the tuple with duration less than dimming interval (50ms) is treated as a step change of brightness, i.e. the subsequent brightness will be applied without adding intervening dimming intervals. The gradual dimming format of the software pattern values should be: "brightness_1 duration_1 brightness_2 duration_2 brightness_3 duration_3 ...". For example: echo 0 1000 255 2000 > pattern It will make the LED go gradually from zero-intensity to max (255) intensity in 1000 milliseconds, then back to zero intensity in 2000 milliseconds: LED brightness ^ 255-| / \ / \ / | / \ / \ / | / \ / \ / | / \ / \ / 0-| / \/ \/ +---0----1----2----3----4----5----6------------> time (s) 2. To make the LED go instantly from one brightness value to another, we should use zero-time lengths (the brightness must be same as the previous tuple's). So the format should be: "brightness_1 duration_1 brightness_1 0 brightness_2 duration_2 brightness_2 0 ...". For example: echo 0 1000 0 0 255 2000 255 0 > pattern It will make the LED stay off for one second, then stay at max brightness for two seconds: LED brightness ^ 255-| +---------+ +---------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 0-| -----+ +----+ +---- +---0----1----2----3----4----5----6------------> time (s) What: /sys/class/leds/<led>/hw_pattern Date: September 2018 KernelVersion: 4.20 Description: Specify a hardware pattern for the LED, for LED hardware that supports autonomously controlling brightness over time, according to some preprogrammed hardware patterns. It deactivates any active software pattern. Since different LED hardware can have different semantics of hardware patterns, each driver is expected to provide its own description for the hardware patterns in their ABI documentation file. What: /sys/class/leds/<led>/repeat Date: September 2018 KernelVersion: 4.20 Description: Specify a pattern repeat number. -1 means repeat indefinitely, other negative numbers and number 0 are invalid. This file will always return the originally written repeat number.