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		-o -name '*%' -o -name '.*.cmd' -o -name 'core' \) \
		-type f -print | xargs rm -f

# Packaging of the kernel to various formats
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# rpm target kept for backward compatibility
package-dir	:= $(srctree)/scripts/package

.PHONY: %-pkg rpm

%pkg: FORCE
	$(Q)$(MAKE) -f $(package-dir)/Makefile $@
rpm: FORCE
	$(Q)$(MAKE) -f $(package-dir)/Makefile $@

# Brief documentation of the typical targets used
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

boards := $(wildcard $(srctree)/arch/$(ARCH)/configs/*_defconfig)
boards := $(notdir $(boards))

	@echo  'Cleaning targets:'
	@echo  '  clean		  - remove most generated files but keep the config'
	@echo  '  mrproper	  - remove all generated files + config + various backup files'
	@echo  ''
	@echo  'Configuration targets:'
	@$(MAKE) -f $(srctree)/scripts/kconfig/Makefile help
	@echo  ''
	@echo  'Other generic targets:'
	@echo  '  all		  - Build all targets marked with [*]'
	@echo  '* vmlinux	  - Build the bare kernel'
	@echo  '* modules	  - Build all modules'
	@echo  '  modules_install - Install all modules'
	@echo  '  dir/            - Build all files in dir and below'
	@echo  '  dir/file.[ois]  - Build specified target only'
	@echo  '  dir/file.ko     - Build module including final link'
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	@echo  '  rpm		  - Build a kernel as an RPM package'
	@echo  '  tags/TAGS	  - Generate tags file for editors'
	@echo  '  cscope	  - Generate cscope index'
	@echo  ''
	@echo  'Static analysers'
	@echo  '  buildcheck      - List dangling references to vmlinux discarded sections'
	@echo  '                    and init sections from non-init sections'
	@echo  '  checkstack      - Generate a list of stack hogs'
	@echo  '  namespacecheck  - Name space analysis on compiled kernel'
	@echo  ''
	@echo  'Kernel packaging:'
	@$(MAKE) -f $(package-dir)/Makefile help
	@echo  ''
	@echo  'Documentation targets:'
	@$(MAKE) -f $(srctree)/Documentation/DocBook/Makefile dochelp
	@echo  ''
	@echo  'Architecture specific targets ($(ARCH)):'
	@$(if $(archhelp),$(archhelp),\
		echo '  No architecture specific help defined for $(ARCH)')
	@echo  ''
	@$(if $(boards), \
		$(foreach b, $(boards), \
		printf "  %-24s - Build for %s\\n" $(b) $(subst _defconfig,,$(b));) \
		echo '')

	@echo  '  make V=0|1 [targets] 0 => quiet build (default), 1 => verbose build'
	@echo  '  make O=dir [targets] Locate all output files in "dir", including .config'
	@echo  '  make C=1   [targets] Check all c source with $$CHECK (sparse)'
	@echo  '  make C=2   [targets] Force check of all c source with $$CHECK (sparse)'
	@echo  ''
	@echo  'Execute "make" or "make all" to build all targets marked with [*] '
	@echo  'For further info see the ./README file'

# Documentation targets
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%docs: scripts_basic FORCE
	$(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=Documentation/DocBook $@


# External module support.
# When building external modules the kernel used as basis is considered
# read-only, and no consistency checks are made and the make
# system is not used on the basis kernel. If updates are required
# in the basis kernel ordinary make commands (without M=...) must
# be used.
# The following are the only valid targets when building external
# modules.
# make M=dir clean     Delete all automatically generated files
# make M=dir modules   Make all modules in specified dir
# make M=dir	       Same as 'make M=dir modules'
# make M=dir modules_install
#                      Install the modules build in the module directory
#                      Assumes install directory is already created

# We are always building modules
.PHONY: crmodverdir
	$(Q)mkdir -p $(MODVERDIR)

.PHONY: $(objtree)/Module.symvers
	@test -e $(objtree)/Module.symvers || ( \
	echo; \
	echo "  WARNING: Symbol version dump $(objtree)/Module.symvers"; \
	echo "           is missing; modules will have no dependencies and modversions."; \
	echo )

module-dirs := $(addprefix _module_,$(KBUILD_EXTMOD))
.PHONY: $(module-dirs) modules
$(module-dirs): crmodverdir $(objtree)/Module.symvers
	$(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=$(patsubst _module_%,%,$@)

modules: $(module-dirs)
	@echo '  Building modules, stage 2.';
	$(Q)$(MAKE) -rR -f $(srctree)/scripts/Makefile.modpost

.PHONY: modules_install
	$(Q)$(MAKE) -rR -f $(srctree)/scripts/Makefile.modinst

clean-dirs := $(addprefix _clean_,$(KBUILD_EXTMOD))

.PHONY: $(clean-dirs) clean
	$(Q)$(MAKE) $(clean)=$(patsubst _clean_%,%,$@)

clean:	rm-dirs := $(MODVERDIR)
clean: $(clean-dirs)
	$(call cmd,rmdirs)
	 	\( -name '*.[oas]' -o -name '*.ko' -o -name '.*.cmd' \
		-o -name '.*.d' -o -name '.*.tmp' -o -name '*.mod.c' \) \
		-type f -print | xargs rm -f

	@echo  '  Building external modules.'
	@echo  '  Syntax: make -C path/to/kernel/src M=$$PWD target'
	@echo  ''
	@echo  '  modules         - default target, build the module(s)'
	@echo  '  modules_install - install the module'
	@echo  '  clean           - remove generated files in module directory only'
	@echo  ''

# Generate tags for editors
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

#We want __srctree to totally vanish out when KBUILD_OUTPUT is not set
#(which is the most common case IMHO) to avoid unneeded clutter in the big tags file.
#Adding $(srctree) adds about 20M on i386 to the size of the output file!

ifeq ($(src),$(obj))
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__srctree =
__srctree = $(srctree)/

define all-sources
	( find $(__srctree) $(RCS_FIND_IGNORE) \
	       \( -name include -o -name arch \) -prune -o \
	       -name '*.[chS]' -print; \
	  find $(__srctree)arch/$(ARCH) $(RCS_FIND_IGNORE) \
	       -name '*.[chS]' -print; \
	  find $(__srctree)security/selinux/include $(RCS_FIND_IGNORE) \
	       -name '*.[chS]' -print; \
	  find $(__srctree)include $(RCS_FIND_IGNORE) \
	       \( -name config -o -name 'asm-*' \) -prune \
	       -o -name '*.[chS]' -print; \
	  find $(__srctree)include/asm-$(ARCH) $(RCS_FIND_IGNORE) \
	       -name '*.[chS]' -print; \
	  find $(__srctree)include/asm-generic $(RCS_FIND_IGNORE) \
	       -name '*.[chS]' -print )

quiet_cmd_cscope-file = FILELST cscope.files
      cmd_cscope-file = $(all-sources) > cscope.files

quiet_cmd_cscope = MAKE    cscope.out
      cmd_cscope = cscope -k -b -q

cscope: FORCE
	$(call cmd,cscope-file)
	$(call cmd,cscope)

quiet_cmd_TAGS = MAKE   $@
cmd_TAGS = $(all-sources) | etags -

# 	Exuberant ctags works better with -I

quiet_cmd_tags = MAKE   $@
define cmd_tags
	rm -f $@; \
	CTAGSF=`ctags --version | grep -i exuberant >/dev/null && echo "-I __initdata,__exitdata,EXPORT_SYMBOL,EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL --extra=+f"`; \
	$(all-sources) | xargs ctags $$CTAGSF -a
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Linus Torvalds committed

	$(call cmd,TAGS)

tags: FORCE
	$(call cmd,tags)

# Scripts to check various things for consistency
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

	find * $(RCS_FIND_IGNORE) \
		-name '*.[hcS]' -type f -print | sort \
		| xargs $(PERL) -w scripts/

	find * $(RCS_FIND_IGNORE) \
		-name '*.[hcS]' -type f -print | sort \
		| xargs $(PERL) -w scripts/

	find * $(RCS_FIND_IGNORE) \
		-name '*.[hcS]' -type f -print | sort \
		| xargs $(PERL) -w scripts/

	$(PERL) $(srctree)/scripts/
	$(PERL) $(srctree)/scripts/

	$(PERL) $(srctree)/scripts/

endif #ifeq ($(config-targets),1)
endif #ifeq ($(mixed-targets),1)

.PHONY: checkstack
	$(OBJDUMP) -d vmlinux $$(find . -name '*.ko') | \
	$(PERL) $(src)/scripts/ $(ARCH)


# FIXME Should go into a make.lib or something 
# ===========================================================================

quiet_cmd_rmdirs = $(if $(wildcard $(rm-dirs)),CLEAN   $(wildcard $(rm-dirs)))
      cmd_rmdirs = rm -rf $(rm-dirs)

quiet_cmd_rmfiles = $(if $(wildcard $(rm-files)),CLEAN   $(wildcard $(rm-files)))
      cmd_rmfiles = rm -f $(rm-files)

a_flags = -Wp,-MD,$(depfile) $(AFLAGS) $(AFLAGS_KERNEL) \
	  $(modkern_aflags) $(EXTRA_AFLAGS) $(AFLAGS_$(*F).o)

quiet_cmd_as_o_S = AS      $@
cmd_as_o_S       = $(CC) $(a_flags) -c -o $@ $<

# read all saved command lines

targets := $(wildcard $(sort $(targets)))
cmd_files := $(wildcard .*.cmd $(foreach f,$(targets),$(dir $(f)).$(notdir $(f)).cmd))

ifneq ($(cmd_files),)
  $(cmd_files): ;	# Do not try to update included dependency files
  include $(cmd_files)

# Execute command and generate cmd file
if_changed = $(if $(strip $? \
		          $(filter-out $(cmd_$(1)),$(cmd_$@))\
			  $(filter-out $(cmd_$@),$(cmd_$(1)))),\
	@set -e; \
	$(if $($(quiet)cmd_$(1)),echo '  $(subst ','\'',$($(quiet)cmd_$(1)))';) \
	$(cmd_$(1)); \
	echo 'cmd_$@ := $(subst $$,$$$$,$(subst ','\'',$(cmd_$(1))))' > $(@D)/.$(@F).cmd)

# execute the command and also postprocess generated .d dependencies
# file
if_changed_dep = $(if $(strip $? $(filter-out FORCE $(wildcard $^),$^)\
		          $(filter-out $(cmd_$(1)),$(cmd_$@))\
			  $(filter-out $(cmd_$@),$(cmd_$(1)))),\
	$(Q)set -e; \
	$(if $($(quiet)cmd_$(1)),echo '  $(subst ','\'',$($(quiet)cmd_$(1)))';) \
	$(cmd_$(1)); \
	scripts/basic/fixdep $(depfile) $@ '$(subst $$,$$$$,$(subst ','\'',$(cmd_$(1))))' > $(@D)/.$(@F).tmp; \
	rm -f $(depfile); \
	mv -f $(@D)/.$(@F).tmp $(@D)/.$(@F).cmd)

# Usage: $(call if_changed_rule,foo)
# will check if $(cmd_foo) changed, or any of the prequisites changed,
# and if so will execute $(rule_foo)

if_changed_rule = $(if $(strip $? \
		               $(filter-out $(cmd_$(1)),$(cmd_$(@F)))\
			       $(filter-out $(cmd_$(@F)),$(cmd_$(1)))),\

# If quiet is set, only print short version of command

cmd = @$(if $($(quiet)cmd_$(1)),echo '  $($(quiet)cmd_$(1))' &&) $(cmd_$(1))

# filechk is used to check if the content of a generated file is updated.
# Sample usage:
# define filechk_sample
# endef
# version.h : Makefile
#	$(call filechk,sample)
# The rule defined shall write to stdout the content of the new file.
# The existing file will be compared with the new one.
# - If no file exist it is created
# - If the content differ the new file is used
# - If they are equal no change, and no timestamp update

define filechk
	@set -e;				\
	echo '  CHK     $@';			\
	mkdir -p $(dir $@);			\
	$(filechk_$(1)) < $< > $@.tmp;		\
	if [ -r $@ ] && cmp -s $@ $@.tmp; then	\
		rm -f $@.tmp;			\
	else					\
		echo '  UPD     $@';		\
		mv -f $@.tmp $@;		\

# Shorthand for $(Q)$(MAKE) -f scripts/ obj=dir
# Usage:
# $(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=dir
build := -f $(if $(KBUILD_SRC),$(srctree)/)scripts/ obj

# Shorthand for $(Q)$(MAKE) -f scripts/Makefile.clean obj=dir
# Usage:
# $(Q)$(MAKE) $(clean)=dir
clean := -f $(if $(KBUILD_SRC),$(srctree)/)scripts/Makefile.clean obj

#	$(call descend,<dir>,<target>)
#	Recursively call a sub-make in <dir> with target <target>
# Usage is deprecated, because make does not see this as an invocation of make.
descend =$(Q)$(MAKE) -f $(if $(KBUILD_SRC),$(srctree)/)scripts/ obj=$(1) $(2)

endif	# skip-makefile