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  • Takashi Sakamoto's avatar
    ALSA: firewire-lib: add tracepoints to dump a part of isochronous packet data · 0c95c1d6
    Takashi Sakamoto authored
    When audio and music units have some quirks in their sequence of packet,
    it's really hard for non-owners to identify the quirks. Although developers
    need dumps for sequence of packets, it's difficult for users who have no
    knowledges and no equipments for this purpose.
    This commit adds tracepoints for this situation. When users encounter
    the issue, they can dump a part of packet data via Linux tracing framework
    as long as using drivers in ALSA firewire stack.
    Additionally, tracepoints for outgoing packets will be our help to check
    and debug packet processing of ALSA firewire stack.
    This commit newly adds 'snd_firewire_lib' subsystem with 'in_packet' and
    'out_packet' events. In the events, some attributes of packets and the
    index of packet managed by this module are recorded per packet.
    This is an usage:
    $ trace-cmd record -e snd_firewire_lib:out_packet \
                       -e snd_firewire_lib:in_packet
    Hit Ctrl^C to stop recording
    $ trace-cmd report trace.dat
    23647.033934: in_packet:  01 4073 ffc0 ffc1 00 000f0040 9001b2d1 122 44
    23647.033936: in_packet:  01 4074 ffc0 ffc1 00 000f0048 9001c83b 122 45
    23647.033937: in_packet:  01 4075 ffc0 ffc1 00 000f0050 9001ffff 002 46
    23647.033938: in_packet:  01 4076 ffc0 ffc1 00 000f0050 9001e1a6 122 47
    23647.035426: out_packet: 01 4123 ffc1 ffc0 01 010f00d0 9001fb40 122 17
    23647.035428: out_packet: 01 4124 ffc1 ffc0 01 010f00d8 9001ffff 002 18
    23647.035429: out_packet: 01 4125 ffc1 ffc0 01 010f00d8 900114aa 122 19
    23647.035430: out_packet: 01 4126 ffc1 ffc0 01 010f00e0 90012a15 122 20
    (Here, some common fields are omitted so that a line to be within 80
    One line represent one packet. The legend for the last nine fields is:
     - The second of cycle scheduled for the packet
     - The count of cycle scheduled for the packet
     - The ID of node as source (hex)
      - Some devices transfer packets with invalid source node ID in their CIP
     - The ID of node as destination (hex)
      - The value is not in CIP header of packets.
     - The value of isochronous channel
     - The first quadlet of CIP header (hex)
     - The second quadlet of CIP header (hex)
     - The number of included quadlets
     - The index of packet in a buffer maintained by this module
    This is an example to parse these lines from text file by Python3 script:
    \#!/usr/bin/env python3
    import sys
    def parse_ts(second, cycle, syt):
        offset = syt & 0xfff
        syt >>= 12
        if cycle & 0x0f > syt:
            cycle += 0x10
        cycle &= 0x1ff0
        cycle |= syt
        second += cycle // 8000
        cycle %= 8000
        # In CYCLE_TIMER of 1394 OHCI, second is represented in 8 bit.
        second %= 128
        return (second, cycle, offset)
    def calc_ts(second, cycle, offset):
        ts = offset
        ts += cycle * 3072
        # In DMA descriptor of 1394 OHCI, second is represented in 3 bit.
        ts += (second % 8) * 8000 * 3072
        return ts
    def subtract_ts(minuend, subtrahend):
        # In DMA descriptor of 1394 OHCI, second is represented in 3 bit.
        if minuend < subtrahend:
            minuend += 8 * 8000 * 3072
        return minuend - subtrahend
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print('At least, one argument is required for packet dump.')
    filename = sys.argv[1]
    data = []
    prev = 0
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            pos = line.find('packet:')
            if pos < 0:
            pos += len('packet:')
            line = line[pos:].strip()
            fields = line.split(' ')
            datum = []
            syt = int(fields[6][4:], 16)
            # Empty packet in IEC 61883-1, or NODATA in IEC 61883-6
            if syt == 0xffff:
                data_blocks = 0
                payload_size = int(fields[7], 10)
                data_block_size = int(fields[5][2:4], 16)
                data_blocks = (payload_size - 2) / data_block_size
            second = int(fields[0], 10)
            cycle = int(fields[1], 10)
            start = (second << 25) | (cycle << 12)
            start = calc_ts(second, cycle, 0)
            datum.append("0x" + fields[5])
            datum.append("0x" + fields[6])
            if syt == 0xffff:
                second = 0
                cycle = 0
                tick = 0
                second, cycle, tick = parse_ts(second, cycle, syt)
            ts = calc_ts(second, cycle, tick)
            if ts == 0:
                # Usual case, or a case over 8 seconds.
                if ts > start or start > 7 * 8000 * 3072:
                    datum.append(subtract_ts(ts, start))
                    if ts > prev or start > 7 * 8000 * 3072:
                        gap = subtract_ts(ts, prev)
                prev = ts
    The data variable includes array with these elements:
    - The index of the packet
    - The number of data blocks in the packet
    - The value of cycle count (hex)
    - The value of CIP header 1 (hex)
    - The value of CIP header 2 (hex)
    - The value of cycle count (tick)
    - The value of calculated presentation timestamp (tick)
    - The offset between the cycle count and presentation timestamp
    - The elapsed ticks from the previous presentation timestamp
    Signed-off-by: default avatarTakashi Sakamoto <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarTakashi Iwai <>
    ALSA: firewire-lib: add tracepoints to dump a part of isochronous packet data
    Takashi Sakamoto authored
    When audio and music units have some quirks in their sequence of packet,
    it's really hard for non-owners to identify the quirks. Although developers
    need dumps for sequence of packets, it's difficult for users who have no
    knowledges and no equipments for this purpose.
    This commit adds tracepoints for this situation. When users encounter
    the issue, they can dump a part of packet data via Linux tracing framework
    as long as using drivers in ALSA firewire stack.
    Additionally, tracepoints for outgoing packets will be our help to check
    and debug packet processing of ALSA firewire stack.
    This commit newly adds 'snd_firewire_lib' subsystem with 'in_packet' and
    'out_packet' events. In the events, some attributes of packets and the
    index of packet managed by this module are recorded per packet.
    This is an usage:
    $ trace-cmd record -e snd_firewire_lib:out_packet \
                       -e snd_firewire_lib:in_packet
    Hit Ctrl^C to stop recording
    $ trace-cmd report trace.dat
    23647.033934: in_packet:  01 4073 ffc0 ffc1 00 000f0040 9001b2d1 122 44
    23647.033936: in_packet:  01 4074 ffc0 ffc1 00 000f0048 9001c83b 122 45
    23647.033937: in_packet:  01 4075 ffc0 ffc1 00 000f0050 9001ffff 002 46
    23647.033938: in_packet:  01 4076 ffc0 ffc1 00 000f0050 9001e1a6 122 47
    23647.035426: out_packet: 01 4123 ffc1 ffc0 01 010f00d0 9001fb40 122 17
    23647.035428: out_packet: 01 4124 ffc1 ffc0 01 010f00d8 9001ffff 002 18
    23647.035429: out_packet: 01 4125 ffc1 ffc0 01 010f00d8 900114aa 122 19
    23647.035430: out_packet: 01 4126 ffc1 ffc0 01 010f00e0 90012a15 122 20
    (Here, some common fields are omitted so that a line to be within 80
    One line represent one packet. The legend for the last nine fields is:
     - The second of cycle scheduled for the packet
     - The count of cycle scheduled for the packet
     - The ID of node as source (hex)
      - Some devices transfer packets with invalid source node ID in their CIP
     - The ID of node as destination (hex)
      - The value is not in CIP header of packets.
     - The value of isochronous channel
     - The first quadlet of CIP header (hex)
     - The second quadlet of CIP header (hex)
     - The number of included quadlets
     - The index of packet in a buffer maintained by this module
    This is an example to parse these lines from text file by Python3 script:
    \#!/usr/bin/env python3
    import sys
    def parse_ts(second, cycle, syt):
        offset = syt & 0xfff
        syt >>= 12
        if cycle & 0x0f > syt:
            cycle += 0x10
        cycle &= 0x1ff0
        cycle |= syt
        second += cycle // 8000
        cycle %= 8000
        # In CYCLE_TIMER of 1394 OHCI, second is represented in 8 bit.
        second %= 128
        return (second, cycle, offset)
    def calc_ts(second, cycle, offset):
        ts = offset
        ts += cycle * 3072
        # In DMA descriptor of 1394 OHCI, second is represented in 3 bit.
        ts += (second % 8) * 8000 * 3072
        return ts
    def subtract_ts(minuend, subtrahend):
        # In DMA descriptor of 1394 OHCI, second is represented in 3 bit.
        if minuend < subtrahend:
            minuend += 8 * 8000 * 3072
        return minuend - subtrahend
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print('At least, one argument is required for packet dump.')
    filename = sys.argv[1]
    data = []
    prev = 0
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            pos = line.find('packet:')
            if pos < 0:
            pos += len('packet:')
            line = line[pos:].strip()
            fields = line.split(' ')
            datum = []
            syt = int(fields[6][4:], 16)
            # Empty packet in IEC 61883-1, or NODATA in IEC 61883-6
            if syt == 0xffff:
                data_blocks = 0
                payload_size = int(fields[7], 10)
                data_block_size = int(fields[5][2:4], 16)
                data_blocks = (payload_size - 2) / data_block_size
            second = int(fields[0], 10)
            cycle = int(fields[1], 10)
            start = (second << 25) | (cycle << 12)
            start = calc_ts(second, cycle, 0)
            datum.append("0x" + fields[5])
            datum.append("0x" + fields[6])
            if syt == 0xffff:
                second = 0
                cycle = 0
                tick = 0
                second, cycle, tick = parse_ts(second, cycle, syt)
            ts = calc_ts(second, cycle, tick)
            if ts == 0:
                # Usual case, or a case over 8 seconds.
                if ts > start or start > 7 * 8000 * 3072:
                    datum.append(subtract_ts(ts, start))
                    if ts > prev or start > 7 * 8000 * 3072:
                        gap = subtract_ts(ts, prev)
                prev = ts
    The data variable includes array with these elements:
    - The index of the packet
    - The number of data blocks in the packet
    - The value of cycle count (hex)
    - The value of CIP header 1 (hex)
    - The value of CIP header 2 (hex)
    - The value of cycle count (tick)
    - The value of calculated presentation timestamp (tick)
    - The offset between the cycle count and presentation timestamp
    - The elapsed ticks from the previous presentation timestamp
    Signed-off-by: default avatarTakashi Sakamoto <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarTakashi Iwai <>