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  • David Howells's avatar
    afs: Add some tracepoints · 8e8d7f13
    David Howells authored
    Add three tracepoints to the AFS filesystem:
     (1) The afs_recv_data tracepoint logs data segments that are extracted
         from the data received from the peer through afs_extract_data().
     (2) The afs_notify_call tracepoint logs notification from AF_RXRPC of data
         coming in to an asynchronous call.
     (3) The afs_cb_call tracepoint logs incoming calls that have had their
         operation ID extracted and mapped into a supported cache manager
         service call.
    To make (3) work, the name strings in the afs_call_type struct objects have
    to be annotated with __tracepoint_string.  This is done with the CM_NAME()
    Further, the AFS call state enum needs a name so that it can be used to
    declare parameter types.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid Howells <>
    afs: Add some tracepoints
    David Howells authored
    Add three tracepoints to the AFS filesystem:
     (1) The afs_recv_data tracepoint logs data segments that are extracted
         from the data received from the peer through afs_extract_data().
     (2) The afs_notify_call tracepoint logs notification from AF_RXRPC of data
         coming in to an asynchronous call.
     (3) The afs_cb_call tracepoint logs incoming calls that have had their
         operation ID extracted and mapped into a supported cache manager
         service call.
    To make (3) work, the name strings in the afs_call_type struct objects have
    to be annotated with __tracepoint_string.  This is done with the CM_NAME()
    Further, the AFS call state enum needs a name so that it can be used to
    declare parameter types.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid Howells <>