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  • Len Brown's avatar
    x86 idle: deprecate "no-hlt" cmdline param · cdaab4a0
    Len Brown authored
    We'd rather that modern machines not check if HLT works on
    every entry into idle, for the benefit of machines that had
    marginal electricals 15-years ago.  If those machines are still running
    the upstream kernel, they can use "idle=poll".  The only difference
    will be that they'll now invoke HLT in machine_hlt().
    cc: # .39.x
    Signed-off-by: default avatarLen Brown <>
    x86 idle: deprecate "no-hlt" cmdline param
    Len Brown authored
    We'd rather that modern machines not check if HLT works on
    every entry into idle, for the benefit of machines that had
    marginal electricals 15-years ago.  If those machines are still running
    the upstream kernel, they can use "idle=poll".  The only difference
    will be that they'll now invoke HLT in machine_hlt().
    cc: # .39.x
    Signed-off-by: default avatarLen Brown <>