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  • Rik Snel's avatar
    [CRYPTO] lib: table driven multiplications in GF(2^128) · c494e070
    Rik Snel authored
    A lot of cypher modes need multiplications in GF(2^128). LRW, ABL, GCM...
    I use functions from this library in my LRW implementation and I will
    also use them in my ABL (Arbitrary Block Length, an unencumbered (correct
    me if I am wrong, wide block cipher mode).
    Elements of GF(2^128) must be presented as u128 *, it encourages automatic
    and proper alignment.
    The library contains support for two different representations of GF(2^128),
    see the comment in gf128mul.h. There different levels of optimization
    (memory/speed tradeoff).
    The code is based on work by Dr Brian Gladman. Notable changes:
    - deletion of two optimization modes
    - change from u32 to u64 for faster handling on 64bit machines
    - support for 'bbe' representation in addition to the, already implemented,
      'lle' representation.
    - move 'inline void' functions from header to 'static void' in the
      source file
    - update to use the linux coding style conventions
    The original can be found at:
    The copyright (and GPL statement) of the original author is preserved.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarRik Snel <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarHerbert Xu <>
    [CRYPTO] lib: table driven multiplications in GF(2^128)
    Rik Snel authored
    A lot of cypher modes need multiplications in GF(2^128). LRW, ABL, GCM...
    I use functions from this library in my LRW implementation and I will
    also use them in my ABL (Arbitrary Block Length, an unencumbered (correct
    me if I am wrong, wide block cipher mode).
    Elements of GF(2^128) must be presented as u128 *, it encourages automatic
    and proper alignment.
    The library contains support for two different representations of GF(2^128),
    see the comment in gf128mul.h. There different levels of optimization
    (memory/speed tradeoff).
    The code is based on work by Dr Brian Gladman. Notable changes:
    - deletion of two optimization modes
    - change from u32 to u64 for faster handling on 64bit machines
    - support for 'bbe' representation in addition to the, already implemented,
      'lle' representation.
    - move 'inline void' functions from header to 'static void' in the
      source file
    - update to use the linux coding style conventions
    The original can be found at:
    The copyright (and GPL statement) of the original author is preserved.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarRik Snel <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarHerbert Xu <>