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  1. Sep 18, 2010
  2. Sep 17, 2010
    • Al Viro's avatar
      arm: fix really nasty sigreturn bug · 653d48b2
      Al Viro authored
      If a signal hits us outside of a syscall and another gets delivered
      when we are in sigreturn (e.g. because it had been in sa_mask for
      the first one and got sent to us while we'd been in the first handler),
      we have a chance of returning from the second handler to location one
      insn prior to where we ought to return.  If r0 happens to contain -513
      (-ERESTARTNOINTR), sigreturn will get confused into doing restart
      syscall song and dance.
      Incredible joy to debug, since it manifests as random, infrequent and
      very hard to reproduce double execution of instructions in userland
      The fix is simple - mark it "don't bother with restarts" in wrapper,
      i.e. set r8 to 0 in sys_sigreturn and sys_rt_sigreturn wrappers,
      suppressing the syscall restart handling on return from these guys.
      They can't legitimately return a restart-worthy error anyway.
      	#include <unistd.h>
      	#include <signal.h>
      	#include <stdlib.h>
      	#include <sys/time.h>
      	#include <errno.h>
      	void f(int n)
      		__asm__ __volatile__(
      			"ldr r0, [%0]\n"
      			"b 1f\n"
      			"b 2f\n"
      			"1:b .\n"
      			"2:\n" : : "r"(&n));
      	void handler1(int sig) { }
      	void handler2(int sig) { raise(1); }
      	void handler3(int sig) { exit(0); }
      		struct sigaction s = {.sa_handler = handler2};
      		struct itimerval t1 = { .it_value = {1} };
      		struct itimerval t2 = { .it_value = {2} };
      		signal(1, handler1);
      		sigaddset(&s.sa_mask, 1);
      		sigaction(SIGALRM, &s, NULL);
      		signal(SIGVTALRM, handler3);
      		setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &t1, NULL);
      		setitimer(ITIMER_VIRTUAL, &t2, NULL);
      		f(-513); /* -ERESTARTNOINTR */
      		write(1, "buggered\n", 9);
      		return 1;
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAl Viro <>
      Acked-by: default avatarRussell King <>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarLinus Torvalds <>
  3. Sep 14, 2010
  4. Sep 10, 2010
  5. Sep 09, 2010
  6. Sep 08, 2010
  7. Sep 07, 2010
  8. Sep 02, 2010
  9. Sep 01, 2010
  10. Aug 30, 2010
  11. Aug 27, 2010